Dubai is known for its modernity and tradition, making it an ideal location for every person to invest and live. With a booming economy, a strategic location and a wealthy lifestyle, Dubai offers several advantages for property investors from India. If you are planning to invest in properties in Dubai, then this post is appropriate for you. This will give you a detailed information on why you should consider investing in properties in Dubai.  


Enhance Your Portfolio  
We all know that investing in properties is one of the best ways to keep your money safe and an ideal way to get a good return. However, professional claims that investing in Dubai real estate is one of the best ways to diversify your portfolio. Furthermore, diversification is very essential for enhancing potential return and mitigating risk over time. Investing in Dubai’s real estate will not only add a new dimension to the portfolio but will also help you in gaining a new entry into the international market. Although the market offers growth and stability.  
Anyway, investing in Dubai’s real estate market will help you enter the international market that can help you get access to several other investment options. Investing in international property will help you get stability even during recession period.  

Invest in a Strong Real Estate Market  
We all know that Dubai’s real estate market never fails to attract us as it is one of the strongest and attractive globally. However, the town provides several properties, from affordable apartments in Jumeirah village circle to luxury villas in Palm Jumeirah. Investing in these properties will help you in increasing the potential capital appreciation.  
Report says that Dubai’s real estate market act like a magnet for several investors as they are known for offering constant growth and development. Moreover, you need to gather relevant information before investing in any property.  


Tax Benefits  
Dubai provides us with a largely tax-free environment making it one of the most attractive locations for real estate investment. No matter how, you can also get several benefits after purchasing a property in Dubai. Moreover, the tax-free nature, makes it an ideal location for investors.  

Tax Comparison: Dubai vs. India  
Here is a comparison of the tax implications of property investment in Dubai versus India.

Tax Type



Income Tax


Based on income slab rates

Capital Gains Tax


20% (long-term), slab rates (short-term)

Rental Income Tax


Taxed as per income slab rates

Still, we all know that the tax slabs are not same in both countries. Report says that if you are selling a property in India within 2 years of its purchase date, the profit is adjusted as a short-term gain and is taxed as per the rules. However, if it is sold after 2 years, then it is considered as a long-term gain and the user needs to pay 20% taxes. This is why Dubai’s no tax policy excites every investor.  


Investing in Dubai offers several advantages to the Indian investors. One of the main advantages includes the tax regime. Though, you can browse this post to know everything in details. Users can also browse the internet to know about the paperwork they need to look for to invest in properties in Dubai.